The Laurel VEC
Administering FREE Amateur Radio License Exams since 1984
 How to Join the Laurel VEC

Transferring an existing VE team from another VEC to the Laurel VEC
Creating a new VE team within the Laurel VEC

Whether you want to transfer an existing VE team from another VEC to the Laurel VEC or you want to create a new VE team “from scratch”, we have some requirements you must accept before we will consider adding you to our family:
  • You must conduct a minimum of three exam sessions per full calendar year.
  • You may not charge a fee or solicit donations for any license-related services including but not limited to the following:
    • Administering exams for new licenses and upgrades to current licenses.
    • Processing applications for new licenses, modifiying existing licenses, license renewals, or administrative updates of current licenses.
  • You (e.g., The team or a sponsoring organization such as an amateur radio club, etc.) must agree to assume responsibility for all costs for conducting amateur radio licensing-related activities.
If you accept these requirements, the process of joining the Laurel VEC is pretty simple.
  1. Contact the Regional Coordinator for your VEC Region (a.k.a. - call area).
    • The Regional Coordinator may be at a point where he or she is not be willing to add more teams.
  2. If the Regional Coordinator is willing to add your team to their region, they will collect some information from you and will create a page for your team on the Laurel VEC website.
  3. Once the team page is created the you will be able to access the password protected portion of the Laurel VEC website, create and publish your exam session, nominate qualified licensees to be accredited as VEs by the Laurel VEC, create exams, print required forms, etc.
  4. The Regional Coordinator will provide training as appropriate.

Copyright© 2023-2024 -- Laurel Amateur Radio Club VEC (Updated: October 3, 2024)
Notify the Laurel VEC Webmaster of any problems with the website or with any suggestions for improvement.